The issues can be:

  • difficulty with normal daily activities because of age, illness or disability
  • problems with walking or mobility
  • difficulty with personal care, such as bathing or using the toilet
  • difficulty getting in and out of their home, or the rooms inside it

The Adaptations Service will aim to provide advice and information to people about a wide range of options to assist them to live independently, which may include:

  • appropriate re-housing
  • the use of aids and equipment provided through Derbyshire County Council Adult Care
  • an adaptation - this option will normally only be considered when the other options have been explored

How do I apply for an Adaptation?

Adaptations are categorised as Major or Minor. Major Adaptations include things like level access showers and ramps.  Minor Adaptations include things like hand rails and lever type taps.

Minor Works

For minor works, your Housing Officer are able to carry out the assessment and make a direct referral to the Adaptations Team. They will be able to discuss the difficulties you are experiencing and offer advice and support.

Major Works

For major works, you can apply by contacting Derbyshire County Council's Adult Care to request an assessment via:

Call Derbyshire
01629 533190

Or alternatively contact our Adaptations Team or Neighbourhood Team, who will arrange to carry out an initial referral form, which will be sent to Derbyshire County Council Adult Care for assessment:

01246 217670

The Adaptations Policy and funding are set by North East Derbyshire District Council and delivered by Rykneld Homes.

In line with the council's Adaptations Policy, adaptations will not be approved for completion in houses where there are single people or couples.

If your Major Adaptation request is declined

If your Major Adaptation request is declined, you have the right to apply to North East Derbyshire District Council for a Mandatory Disabled Facilities Grant.  Specific criteria apply and should you wish to progress this matter, you can contact the Council's Environmental Health Department on 01246 217847 for further advice and how to apply.

Adaptations Policy & Procedure 2022-25

PDF | 2424Kb

RHL Hardstanding Criteria Jun24

PDF | 424Kb