It also excludes commercially sensitive information and information that might prejudice the safety or security of Rykneld Homes. It came into force in January 2005.

There is a lot of information produced or held by Rykneld Homes which is already published and available to everyone without having to make a formal request under the legislation. More information on the type of information available and how to find it are included in our Publication Scheme. Most general information can be found by using the search function at the top of this page.

What happens when you ask for information?

For a request to be valid under the Freedom of Information Act it must be in writing. This could be by letter, email or Social Media e.g. Twitter or Facebook. Requests can also be made online by completing the contact us form.

We may need to ask you a few questions to make sure we give you exactly what you want. You do not have to tell us why you want the information. If we do not have the information, we will let you know as soon as possible and tell you - if we can - where else you might find it.

The information we need from you so that we can give you what you want is:

  • your name
  • a contact postal or email address
  • a detailed description of the information you want.

If we do have the information you request, we will send you a copy within 20 working days (four weeks). If possible, we will provide it in other formats if necessary, such as paper or electronic copies of information, audio format, large print. If it is likely that the investigation will take longer, we will respond outlining the reasons for delay and give an estimated date for the final response.

Do you have to pay for the information?

You can have a copy of anything listed on the 'Publications Scheme' free of charge. If the information is not normally published but will not take longer to find a copy, we will send it for free.

If you have made three or more requests within six months, we will charge you a fee, to cover the cost of finding the information. This will cover the cost of the administration and will usually be no more than £10. You will need to send payment before we can give you the information.

What if you have a question about the information? 

In the first instance, check if there are any contact details on the information you received. If not, contact the Head of Business Development on 01246 217670, who will be able to help you to find the right person to speak to.

Is there any information Rykneld Homes cannot provide?

There may be some information we cannot send you. Specific exemptions are those which might damage our commercial interests, such as the buying of goods and services; commercially sensitive information; third party information about others that would be a breach of Data Protection; or confidential information about the organisation such as details about our employees.

If we are not able to give you some or all of the information you ask for, we will usually let you know why.

Your Legal Right

The Freedom of Information Act gives you the legal right to ask to see lots of information that we produce, such as:

  • Our Newsletters
  • Information about our performance
  • Our policies and procedures

The Freedom of Information Act says that we must:

  • Deal with requests for information and queries promptly
  • Advise and assist you with making requests for information
  • Help you understand any information we provide

How can you get this information?

To request a copy of the Publication Scheme to be posted or emailed to you or if you would like a printed copy of anything, you can request it by contacting us.

Data Protection

We must be transparent about how we use people’s personal data. We do this through a clear and easy to understand Privacy Notice.

All new customers will be asked to sign the Privacy Notice when applying to be on the Housing Register. This will give consent for RHL to use their information to assess their housing circumstances and for entering into the Tenancy Agreement, which is a contract to provide services such as repairs and housing management. When someone becomes a tenant, they will sign the Tenancy Agreement Privacy Statement to confirm they understand how we use their data and they have read and agree to the terms of the Privacy Notice.

As an individual, you have a right under the GDPR to ask us what information or data we hold on you. This is called a Subject Access Request. If you wish us to provide you with this information we will ask you to prove your identity. We will accept the following items as suitable proof of your identification:

  • Utility bill
  • Passport
  • Driving Licence
  • Bus Pass if issued by North East Derbyshire District Council
  • Identity card - i.e. Police, Armed Forces, etc.

Please describe the information you wish to see in as much detail as possible to help us to respond quickly. It is helpful to say how you want the information to be sent to you, for example, by email, a photocopy or printout, or you want to inspect the record in person. You should note that we will not provide you with information or data about other people.

Once we receive a request and have proof of identity, we will acknowledge the request within two working days. We will then provide the information within one month (30 calendar days), but we aim to respond sooner wherever possible. If it is likely we will exceed this time limit, we will tell you the reasons for delay and give an estimated date for our response.

Data Protection Register

The GDPR requires any organisation that processes personal information to notify the Information Commissioner of what they are doing.

Rykneld Homes is registered as a Data Controller on the Data Protection register held by the Information Commissioner’s Office. The register can be viewed on the Information Commissioner’s website. The register only shows what an organisation or individual is registered to do. It does not reveal whether or not the organisation holds personal information on a particular person.

If you wish to receive a copy of the register, contact: The Office of the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Tel: 01625 545 745


There are a number of exemptions to the Regulation. If an exemption applies then we may not have to supply the information. A full list of exemptions and further guidance is available from the Information Commissioners Office. Each case is judged on individual circumstances where exemptions may or may not apply.

Subject Access Request Form

Please download our Subject Access Request Form or for more information or to request a copy of this form, please contact us as below:

Head of Business Development
Rykneld Homes Ltd
2013 Mill Lane
S42 6NG

Subject Access Request form

PDF | 158Kb

Tenancy Agreement Privacy Statement

PDF | 43Kb

Freedom of Information, Publication Scheme & Data Protection Policy Mar24

PDF | 440Kb

RHL Privacy Notice Jul 2024

PDF | 174Kb