To ensure that North East Derbyshire District Council and Rykneld Homes comply with the General Data Protection legislation which came into force on 01 May 2018, we have updated the Privacy Notice to record customer permissions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does this mean for me as an existing tenant?

Rykneld Homes Ltd already complies with the Data Protection Act. Personal and sensitive information supplied by customers is used to assess housing application priority and the provision of services as part of the tenancy agreement.

  • Will NEDDC or Rykneld Homes be using my data any differently from how they do now?


  • How can I object to NEDDC or Rykneld Homes using my data for specific reasons?

Where information is not relevant to the person's application for housing or the provision of services as part of the tenancy agreement tenants can ask for information not to be used.

RHL Privacy Notice Jul 2024

PDF | 174Kb

Tenancy Agreement Privacy Statement

PDF | 43Kb