At the start of 2024, we carried out our Annual Tenant Satisfaction Survey. The results of the Tenant Perception measures survey can be found below. These figures have been subject to weighting to ensure they are representative of the tenant profile.

The survey was conducted in compliance with the Regulator for Social Housing (RSH) guidance.

Summary of Approach

The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) requires housing providers to publish a summary of the survey approach used to generate published tenant perception measures. Rykneld Homes Ltd (RHL) approach is detailed below to each of the requirements.

(a) A summary of achieved sample size (number of responses)
1,364 responses were received from 7,418 surveys sent to all tenants.

(b) Timing of survey
The survey ran from 12/01/24 to 29/03/24.

(c) Collection method(s)
Customers responded by telephone (32), internet (212), and post (1,120).

(d) Sample method
A census survey methodology was used – survey sent to each household.

(e) Summary of the assessment of representativeness of the sample against the relevant tenant population (including reference to the characteristics against which representativeness has been assessed)
The response was slightly over-represented by older tenants when compared to the tenant population. RHL also tested the response in terms of property type (house, flat, bungalow) – the response was representative of accommodation types.

(f) Any weighting applied to generate the reported perception measures (including a reference to all characteristics used to weight results)
The survey response was weighted for representativeness using the age profile of tenants. The unweighted response level of overall satisfaction was 87.7%. Following weighting this produced a figure of 84.8%.

(g) The role of any named external contractor(s) in collecting, generating, or validating the reported perception measures
The survey was undertaken by Rykneld Homes.

(h) The number of tenant households within the relevant population that have not been included in the sample frame due to the exceptional circumstances described in paragraph 63 with a broad rationale for their removal.
No tenants were excluded from taking part in the survey.

(i) Reasons for any failure to meet the required sample size requirements summarised in Table 5The 18.4% response rate exceeded the response rate required by the Regulator of Social Housing Guidance for statistical accuracy.

(j) Type and amount of any incentives offered to tenants to encourage survey completion
Returned responses were entered into a prize draw with a top prize of £250 and 10 runner up prizes of £25.

(k) Any other methodological issues likely to have a material impact on the tenant perception measures reported
No other methodological issues were identified.

TSM Guidance point 36 – The summary of approach must be proportionate to the complexity of the sampling methods employed and must include sufficient information to enable reasonable assessment of the validity of the published tenant perception measures. For example, the level of detail required from a relatively large provider applying stratified sampling and weighting of responses is significantly greater than that required from a small provider employing a simple census approach. Alongside this summary, all providers must publish the questionnaire(s) used to generate survey responses. This must include any additional questions and introductory or explanatory wording communicated to tenants alongside the TSM questions.

TSM Guidance point 37 – As part of the summary of the assessment of representativeness, all providers that own 1,000 or more dwelling units of relevant social housing stock must set out the following: proportion of the relevant (a) tenant population and (b) total survey responses that share the principal characteristics for which representativeness has been assessed (see illustration in Table 4). For these providers, a rationale for the choice of characteristics included must be set out with reference to tenant and stock profile. Where weighting has been used to ensure that the sample is as far as possible representative, (b) must reflect the weighted total survey responses used to generate reported TSMs.

The characteristics identified in the TSM guidance are unlikely to present a material impact on representativeness of the overall results given the profile of tenants in North East Derbyshire. In terms of ethnicity, 97% of tenants identified as White British. Regarding geographical location, the District does not have the large variations associated between rural and urban communities within the same district – there are no urban areas. There are no high rise flats – the highest being three storeys. In terms of stock type, NEDDC/RHL has no sheltered accommodation – all is classed as general needs. In regard to household size, there have been no RHL tenanted accommodation that is statutorily overcrowded.

The most relevant to the NEDDC/RHL tenant populace was the age of respondent.

TSM Guidance point 38 – The summary of approach must state if the provider has undertaken any tenant perception surveys which include TSM questions but has not included these responses in the calculation of the TSMs. A rationale for why this information has been excluded must be provided. The provider must include a summary of responses by survey collection method and the rationale for the survey collection method(s) chosen. Where there are any material year-on-year changes in survey methodology, for example in survey collection method(s), a summary of these changes must be included with the reason for any such changes. Further, any analysis of year-on-year changes in tenant perception measure performance published by the provider must refer to any material changes in survey methodology that are likely to have significantly affected satisfaction scores.

A census survey approach was undertaken to receive the largest possible return from tenants. No additional surveys with the same questions have been undertaken in 2023/24.

Comment boxes were provided on the form to enable customers to provide more detail regarding the questions. 2024 was the first year the Regulator of Social Housing required all social landlords to undertake the TSM’s.