We are pleased to be able to report that our teams have delivered high levels of performance in the past year 2022/23.
We have continued to ensure your safety is central to the delivery of services with excellent performance in the servicing and safety checks of gas, fire safety, water, asbestos and passenger lifts.
Successful delivery of the Capital program, which includes external wall insulation (EWI) , new roofs, bathrooms and other key component replacement, meant over £19m of council investment in homes.
The EWI programme will be continuing this year making homes more energy efficient and helping people to reduce heating bills.
This Annual Report provides a summary of the type of complaints we have responded during year. We don’t always get it right, so have included some examples of where we've learnt from your feedback and made improvements to services.
A large part of successful service delivery is your co-operation, feedback and engagement. We offer many different ways to get involved with Rykneld Homes, please check out our new website for details.
Thank you for your support during the year.
- % of homes for which all required gas safety checks have been carried out - 100%
- % of compliant Fire Risk Assessments - 100%
- % of communal areas with a valid water risk assessment - 100%
- % of communal areas with asbestos materials periodically re-inspected in line with the inspection frequency - 100%
- % of lifts with compliant annual service - 100%
Each complaint we receive is treated as an opportunity for us to learn and to improve our services. The actions that have taken place as a result of learning from complaints in 2022/23 include:
- A review of our existing policies and procedures and additional training provided to staff on how we can best support vulnerable customers.
- Training provided to both internal staff and to external Contractors to address how we can better support customers when completing major works to their home.
- A review on how we communicate with customers during works , this includes the adoption of confirming in writing any actions we have agreed with them verbally , for example, further or outstanding works we will complete in their home.
- A review of our Repairs Policy to ensure service provision to meets the needs of our customers.
- A review of our contractors where we have identified a trend of complaints being upheld.
- Rent collected as a % of rent due for period = 98.70%
- % of Responsive Repairs completed on target = 97.94%
- Average time taken to answer inbound telephone calls = 40 seconds
- % of monthly Fire Safety checks to communal areas of flats = 100%
- % of emergency repairs carried out within target = 98.73%
In 2023/24, the Government is introducing a new set of performance indicators that all social landlords will have to monitor and publish performance against. The Tenant Satisfaction Measures will replace some of the current measures we publish and add new ones. The new measures will focus on customer safety and satisfaction.
Please look out for the new Tenant Annual Satisfaction survey in autumn this year. It will be published in the magazine “Your Rykneld”. We have asked the Operational Board to review our proposed approach and survey format to ensure it is easy to read and complete. We will report the results back in 2024.
In 22/23 we delivered the Councils £19.1 million Major Works programme.
The program has proved successful with customer satisfaction at 98%.
The following key component upgrades to homes were complete:
New heating systems | 307 |
Bathroom and shower replacements | 178 |
New kitchens | 189 |
Rewires | 48 |
External Wall Insulation and external works | 122 |
New windows | 387 |
New roofs | 117 |
Adaptations | 53 |
Voids works to Decent Homes standards | 424 |
Whiteleas Avenue, North Wingfield
Planning was formerly approved on 20 December 2022, for the demolition of 16 homes and development of 70 new build homes. The demolition works to the 16 homes has been completed and the new build development works will continue through to 2025.
Pine View, Danesmoor
We have developed nine new build bungalows and additional parking to the existing homes in the community.
We are pleased to have achieved the Silver Secure by Design certificate for the security specification creating safe homes for customers.
We have had good customer feedback in regard to the quality and design of their new homes. We took our first three handovers in March 2023 with all new bungalows being completed by April 2023.
Stonebroom - 77 new two-bedroom bungalows
These homes suffer from a number of problems – for example, they are hard and expensive to heat and keep warm, and due to the timber framed construction have deteriorated over time.
There is not viable solution to bring them up to the required national EPC – energy efficiency standard of a C rating by 2035.
We have taken on board the views and needs of people who live in the bungalows to shape the options we are proposing for redevelopment.
Information from our 1:1 meetings with customers and surveys has helped us to identify the short-term needs of the homes . As a result, we have undertaken short-term works to defective windows, mastic and seals and improved security.
The long-term proposals include an option to replace the existing homes with up to 77 energy efficient bungalows in the next 3-5 years.
Service Delivery Expenditure 2022/23
The expenditure to provide all services was £10.6m. This includes Repairs and Maintenance, Housing Management and Customer Services.
The chart below gives more detail about the service areas that the (Revenue Budget) covers and the breakdown between the main service areas. You can find more information including the Final Accounts and Financial Statements on the key documents page of the Rykneld Homes website.
Repairs and Maintenance - 56%
Includes: gas, electrical servicing and Health and Safety
Neighbourhood Services - 32%
Includes: Anti Social Behaviour, estate management, rent collection and Choice Move
Customer Services - 12%
Includes: Call Centre, Community Involvement, website, IT and communications.
This year, the Rykneld Homes Community Involvement Team have delivered a record number of community projects ranging from family activity clubs during school holidays; to promoting physical activity and mental wellbeing for both adults and children; to environmental projects to encourage wildlife and reduce litter; to history, craft, music and dancing sessions to reduce social isolation and encourage community cohesion.
To engage with more people across the District, the team have worked with organisations including community groups, Parish Councils, charities and statutory organisations. This has enabled us to develop and deliver sustainable projects - led by the community, for the community.
A new customer involvement structure has offered our customers news ways to get involved, from grassroot projects to being on the Operational Group Board which feeds directly into the governing Board.
With greater emphasis on digital consultation, we have achieved higher levels of engagement so that customer feedback is received from a diverse range of people, giving us a better insight to where we are doing well and how we can improve our services.
Annual Report 2022-23
PDF | 8428Kb
RHL Annual Report 2021 22
PDF | 7591Kb
Annual Report 2020-21
PDF | 3081Kb
Annual Report 2019-20
PDF | 11312Kb
Annual Report 2018-19
PDF | 5495Kb
Annual Report 10 YEARS & Value For Money 2016-17
PDF | 5085Kb